Original film title *
Latin alphabet title transcription if required * (If Ciryllic, Arabic, Kanji etc, please include original + transcription in latin alphabet)
Title in english *
Director *
Country *
Year *
Running time *
Production company *
Distributor *
Film school
First film
Technique * 2D Digital DrawingDrawing on paper2D Digital Cut-OutWatercolor and InkPainting on glassOil paintingPainting on acetateSand AnimationDrawing on analogic frames3D Digital Drawing3D Digital Cut-OutVirtual RealityMix with Live ActionRotoscopeStop Motion - PuppetsStop Motion - ClayStop Motion - ObjectsPixilationArtificial InteligenceMix Technique To select more than one technique, hold down the Ctrl key and click on the corresponding items.
Other technique
Technique Type * AnalogDigitalBoth
Premiere Status * - Select option -NonePremiereInternational PremiereEuropean PremiereSpanish PremiereCatalana Premiere
Recommended age * - Select option -+ 3+ 6+ 12+ 13+ 16+ 18All audiences
Synopsis *
Director's biography * Formats allowed: DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF and ZIP. Maximum size: 32MB
Director's photo * Allowed formats: JPG, PNG and ZIP Maximum size: 32MB
Director's filmography * Allowed formats: DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF and ZIP Maximum size: 32MB
Cast & crew * Allowed formats: DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF and ZIP. Maximum size: 32MB
Awards and festivals to date * Formats allowed: DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF and ZIP. Maximum size: 32MB
3 Stills of the film * Allowed formats: ZIP Maximum size: 32MB
Press kit * Formats permesos: DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF i ZIP. Mida màxima: 32MB
List of dialogues Allowed formats: DOC, DOCX, ODT, PDF and ZIP. Maximum size: 32MB
Others Allowed formats: DOC, DOCX, ODT , PDF and ZIP. Maximum size: 32MB
Language of the film *
Language of the subtitles *
Link to video
Screening film format * Screening film format - HDScreening film format - DCPAltres sistemes de projecció (especificar)
Other Screening film format If you have selected the value Other in Screening film format, please specify the projection system.
Screen Ratio * SCOPE 2K 2,31:1FULL C 2K 1,90:1FLAT 2k 1,85:1HD 1920X1080 1,78:1CLASSIC TV 1,33:14KAltres proporcions de pantalla (especificar)
Other Screen Ratio If you selected the Other in Screen Ratio value, please specify the Screen Ratio.
Sound System * Stereo5.1Altres sistemes de só (especificar)
Others Sound System If you selected the Other in Sound System value, please specify the Sound System.
Name *
Address *
City *
Zip Code *
Phone *
Email *
Web Please do not add "https://"
Link to the film * I am the DirectorI am the DistributorI am the ProducerI'm in charge of the schoolOthers
Other If you have selected the value Other please specify the link to the film. p>
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In case Animac could offer www.animac.cat registered users the possibility of watching the films available in Animac archive through its website, would you give your authorization to include yours?
as directorproductordistribuidoraltres allows the screening of the film enrolled in ANIMAC during the whole Festival, and undertakes not to withdraw after being selected.
Play the film on an online platform restricted to registered usersIn the event that your film is selected to be part of the official sections: Curts 1, 2, 3, 4 i White Cube, Futur Talent or Petit Animac, the undersigned authorizes ANIMAC, International Animation Film Festival of Catalonia to reproduce the film on an online platform restricted to registered users, geolocated only in Spanish territory and limited to the time and duration of the contest.
Student films made in Catalan film, design and animation schools are eligible for the Talent.cat award. I want to participate in the Talent.cat award
as directorproducerdistributoraltres of the film, claims to be the rightful owner of all the visual and audio content, as well as of the complete work.
I have read and accept the privacy policy.
Note *: If you want to register more than one film, click on the "Send and add new film" button, otherwise, click on the "Send" button