Animac is the International Animation Film Festival of Catalonia, and is organized by the Lleida City Council and the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Over the years, Animac has consolidated its independent and artistic character. The Exhibition was created in 1996 and throughout its almost 15-year history it has become one of the best-known audiovisual events held in Spain, with international importance and prestige. Today Animac is a rigorous show, at the same time dynamic and welcoming, which continues in its effort to improve, generating new audiences and attracting all those who love animation.
Animac is a non-competitive exhibition aimed at those artists who use animation as an instrument for their personal expression. We push beyond the boundaries of traditional narrative and look for visionaries who make independent and risky work that has strength and pushes its expressive potential to the limit.
Animac is also a place for artists to meet, a laboratory in which ideas are formed and where relationships are established between the different artistic disciplines. It is a place to dream and project stories of the future.
As an event focused on creators, Animac is highly regarded by the collective. This distinctive feature helps Animac secure a position in the 21st century, now that the main assets of our industry are concentrated in talent and content.
The great international visibility of Animac has allowed us to go beyond the limits of our city and develop our projects everywhere, in South Korea, China, Taiwan, India, Germany, Hungary, Kosovo, Scotland, Italy, Brazil, Colombia … We have gone around the world showing the best animated films and promoting their creators. In this way, Animac has woven a strong and exquisite international network that involves accomplices and mentors (entertainers and other professionals, former participants in the show, our loyal audience, etc.).
These are the real assets of the Animac, the bases for the foundation of a new event year after year, always more ambitious and efficient. Animac 2011 will be waiting for you from February 24 to 27 in the city of Lleida.
Av. Blondel, 64 25002 Lleida (Espanya)
Tel/Fax: +34 973 700325
Email: animac@animac.info
Organize and direct: La Paeria
With the collaboration of the Generalitat de Catalunya
Director: Isabel Herguera
Coordination: Luvània, SL (Alfred Sesma)
Production: Luvània, SL (Eulàlia Guarro)
Production assistants: Luvània, SL (Vicky Lara, Sara Márquez)
Image: Carles Porta
Press: lacosta communication, Olaizola Comunica
Animac Mentors: Digitalent Foundation
Layout Magazine: 78_plural study
Layout hand program: NiX Studio
Web design: Atipus
Web Programming: Bitendian
Technological advice: i2cat Foundation
Subtitles: Softitular
Translations: Mariam Chaïb, Vicky Lara
Fair coordination: Salvador Torras / Hipnotik
Technical production: Josep Maria Perera
Auxiliary staff: Cristina Brandariz, Xavier Cañisá, Maria Farràs, Òscar Fernández, Francesca Ferriz, Diego Herguera, Ona Lahosa, Xavi Morell, Imma Roigé, Enric Sesma, Sergi Talamonte
Workshop at the Leandre Cristòfol Municipal Art School: Vuk Jevremovic
Es Pot Animac: Coordinator of ONGD and other Solidarity Movements of Lleida
Equipment and projections: Instalcine (Marc Iborra)
Audio equipment: Sounders
Capçalera Animac: Mònica Albar, Cristina Colilles, Laura Alexandra Delavalle, Roc Domingo, Susana Escudero, Marina Espada, Àngel Falip, Cristina Fernández, Elvira Fernández, Ramon Gabernet, Carme Garcia, Víctor José González, Erica Graus , Dan Filip Ionescu, Aida Martí, Pau Mimbrera, Joel Gerard Muñoz, Sebastián Peinado, Víctor Plaza, Rafael Pons, Aura Prunera, Jaume Ribalta, Laura Romeu, Arzu Sebaydin, Maria Glòria Vidal
Animac Movie: Asmatik
Photography: Carlos Cazurro
Performer: Alejandro Fernández Cernuda