The International Animated Film Festival of Catalonia welcomes more than 700 students, almost 100 more than last year, and more than 20 animation schools and universities from around the world within the framework of Animac Campus
During four days, it has received 52 accredited professionals and more than 30,000 people
This morning the Animac Tranqui and Pequeno Animac Tranqui sessions took place, adapted for the public with autism spectrum disorders (ASD)
The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented this afternoon at the closing ceremony to the cartoonist Roser Capdevila, who will previously hold a meeting and book signing
Animac, the International Animation Film Festival of Catalonia, has closed the 28th edition with more than 30,000 attendees who, from February 15 to 18, have enjoyed a program dedicated to diversity in all its aspects. In total, 179 films have been seen: 8 feature films, 4 medium-length films and 167 short films, of which 5 world premieres, 58 premieres in Spain, 32 in Catalonia and 2 international premieres.
The Councilor for Culture of the Lleida City Council, Pilar Bosch, has celebrated “the record figures and the exquisite programming this year, both at a technical and content level, under the motto of the diversity”. She has also emphasized that Animac is not just for children, but that “ much of the programming is for adults and we encourage everyone to come in future editions ”. It must be taken into account thatfrom February 22 to March 3, a good part of the screenings can still be seen on Filmin.
For her part, the director of Animac, Carolina López, highlighted “the excellent reception of the screenings, the workshops, the Incubator sessions and, especially, the conferences that were held in full in all the sessions and even, in some, there are people who have been left out.” For the director, the success of the edition “is a reflection of the spectacular moment that Catalan, Spanish and international animation is experiencing. , demonstrating all the potential it has as a tool for artistic expression, which is what we defend at Animac.”
López explained that the artists have told him that it is a very professional exhibition, both at an organizational and technical level, “it fills us with pride that they have this perception because it means that we greatly respect the work of the filmmakers. ”. She has also assured that guests and professionals “ are very impressed with how we work with education, from the stages of early childhood, primary and secondary education with 900-seat theaters full of schoolchildren enjoying independent animation films to higher studies”.
In this sense, it should be noted that Animac has closed the 28th edition with 725 people registered for the Animac Campus, almost 100 more than in the previous edition, coming from 20 animation schools and universities in Aragon, Madrid, the Valencian Community and in all of Catalonia. Also noteworthy are the 52 professional accreditations received.
On the last day of Animac, the Animac Tranqui and Little Animac Tranqui sessions were held, adapted for the public with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) through programming characterized by animations with slower transitions, specially selected themes and low visual and sound impact. The first, for young people and adults, and the second, for children. This proposal, a novelty this year, responds to the objective of making the Exhibition more accessible.
Regarding this afternoon’s activities, the cartoonist Roser Capdevila will receive the Lifetime Achievement Award at the closing of Animac, in recognition of her legacy and her ability to create works that have penetrated into popular culture, like Las Tres Mellizas, which have gone from paper to screen and are now part of the collective imagination of our country. During the event, the best short films, voted by the public, and the animatic created in the workshop of director Toni García and animator Lluís Viciana in collaboration with Down Lleida will also be screened.
Previously, Capdevila will hold a meeting and book signing in the foyer of La Llotja. Furthermore, during the Exhibition, chapters of the series The Three Twins and The Three Baby Twinss, by the Barcelona illustrator, have been projected in the Open Screen space, and has been able to see the filmThe Three Twins and Gaudí.
The screening of the feature film Four Souls of Coyote will close the 28th edition of the most diverse Animac. Directed by accomplished animation director Áron Gauder (Annecy Crystal Award), the film presents an epic adventure that explains the Native American creation myth. Through a unique reinterpretation of the creation of the universe, the film highlights the urgent need to live in harmony with the environment before it is too late.