Name of the Educational Center *
Indicate the Educational Cycle * Students between 4 and 7 years (early education and initial cycle)Students between 8 and 11 years (middle and superior cycle)Students older than 12 years (secondary education)
Locality *
Contact person (name and surname) *
Contact person (mobile or telephone) *
Email address of the tutor accompanying the group *
TOTAL PEOPLE ATTENDING (Number of participating students + accompanying persons: teachers, supervisors, etc.) *
Are there any students who need support? How many students need support? *
What support do you need to watch the show? *
Do you authorize the recording of student images? YESNO
Choose the session date in order of preference:
1st option * Indicate day and time for the 1st option
2nd option: Indicate day and time for the 2nd option
3rd option: Indicate day and time for the 3rd option
I have read and accept the privacy policy .