Roser Capdevila
Trajectory Award 2024
Roser Capdevila (Barcelona, 1939), illustrator, writer and creator. At a very young age she began her professional activity illustrating prints on canvas and creating oil and watercolor paintings. In 1980 she began to write and illustrate children’s books, as well as works of popularization and entertainment aimed at young people and adults.
In 1983, inspired by his three twin daughters, Teresa, Anna and Helena, he created the characters of Las Tres Mellizas, which soon became popular inside and outside the country; so much so that they became the subject of a television series that has been broadcast in 158 countries. Within the animated world, the design of the characters of Koki, a plasticine hen, and the series Las tres mellizas bebés stand out. On the other hand, many of her books have been translated into 35 languages.
She has been awarded numerous prizes, among which stand out: Premi Nacional de Cinema i d’Audiovisual and Creu de Sant Jordi, both awarded by the Generalitat de Catalunya; Premi TrajectoÌria, awarded by the Gremi d’Editors de Catalunya; Gold Medal of Fine Arts from the Ministry of Culture; Medalla d’honor del Parlament de Catalunya; Medalla d’Or de la Generalitat de Catalunya (2022).
In 2011 he gave his legacy, which amounted to more than 3,000 pieces including drawings, lithographs, engravings and stories, to the Biblioteca de Catalunya.